Enable the Page File on Windows
Posted by Will Kruss on 31 May 2016 09:10 PM

By default our Windows VPSs are provisioned with paging disabled. Know how to enable the page file on Windows.

By default our Windows VPSs are provisioned with paging disabled. This is primarily due to the extra IO this creates by clients ordering servers with a small amount of RAM and creating large page files to compensate.

However, some programs such as Exchange require a page file to operate properly.

To enable paging you need to:

1. Login to your VPS through RDP

2. Go to Start and run 'Regedit'

3. Find the key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

4. You should see a value in there called 'PagingFIles'. Delete it.

5. Go to the control panel -> Advanced System Settings

6. On the advanced tab under Virtual Memory click 'Change'

7. Set the button 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives'

8. Click OK

9. You will need to reboot for this to take effect.

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