- Login to the VPSBlocks portal and go to VPS Management
- Select the Windows Standard 2012 Server DVD
- Load the console on a separate browser window
- Reboot the server, and in the console make sure you press a key to boot from the DVD
- From the Windows Setup menu, click "Next".
- Select "Repair your computer".
- Click on "Troubleshoot".
- Under Advanced options, click "Command Prompt".
At the command prompt, run the following commands:
cd Windows\System32
ren Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.old
copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
- Close the command prompt, remove DVD/ISO and then reboot the system.
- The server should now boot and present the logon screen (or send the ctrl-alt-del button to see the login screen).
- Press the accessibility icon in the lower left corner.
At the prompt you can change the password, by typing the following command:
net user administrator Password123
This will set the password for the Administrator user to be Password123 (case sensitive).
Now repeat the DVD/ISO boot steps and open command prompt above and run the following to set it back:
cd Windows\System32
del Utilman.exe
ren Utilman.exe.old Utilman.exe
Reboot the system and you can now login using the password you set.