NIC configuration on RedHat and CentOS
Posted by Ilya Vasilenko on 15 November 2017 11:01 AM
The article covers RedHat based operating systemsOS will have NIC config files as: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX where X is the interface number. Typical content of ifcfg-eth0 (usually it is a public NIC on the VPS): DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=none # no DHCP, static IP # bring it up on boot NM_CONTROLLED=no # not controlled by NetworkManager IPADDR=203.143.xx.yy NETMASK= GATEWAY=203.143.xx.1 PEERDNS=yes # modify /etc/resolv.conf according to DNS1/2 settings USERCTL=no Typical content of ifcfg-eth1 (usually it is a private NIC on the VPS): DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=dhcp # DHCP protocol # bring it up on boot NM_CONTROLLED=no # not controlled by NetworkManager DEFROUTE=no # do not set default route here to avoid two default routes
Disabling NetworkManager: service NetworkManager stop if not using systemd: chkconfig NetworkManager off if using systemd: systemctl disable NetworkManager
Enabling Network service: if not using systemd: chkconfig network on if using systemd: systemctl enable network | |