How do I upload files to my VPS?
Posted by on 23 February 2016 12:51 PM
To upload files to your server you need an FTP client installed on your computer. You can download FileZilla for free at If you use Windows on your computer then download the Windows version (even if your VPS is Linux based). For most Linux Distributions (e.g. CentOS, Debian, FreeBSD) 1. Open Filezilla User: root This will allow you to securely transfer files to your VPS. IMPORTANT: NEVER USE PLAIN FTP WITH YOUR ROOT CREDENTIALS. ALWAYS USE SFTP INSTEAD. Ubuntu If you have an Ubuntu server, you will need to install OpenSSH Server. Do this with the following SSH command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server For help, please see Credentials to use are your ip address as the hostname with your user account and the corresponding password
1. Open Filezilla User: your cPanel username You can also create custom cPanel accounts for your websites. For custom created FTP accounts use the following credentials - Port: 21 | |