Customize Apache Virtual Hosts with Include Files
It is mandatory to use exactly following files/directories structure:
In the following examples:
- Replace <
user> with the account’s username.
- Replace
<domain > with the domain name.
- Replace
<include.conf> with the filename you like to to be, or leave as include.conf.
Scheme for an individual virtual host
- SSL -
- Non-SSL -
Scheme for all virtual hosts on your system
Exact Apache version 2.4 - /etc/apache2/conf.d/userdata/ssl/2_4/include.conf
Any Apache version - /etc/apache2/conf.d/userdata/ssl/include.conf
Scheme for all virtual hosts given user owns
- SSL —
- Non-SSL —
Rebuild Apache configuration and restart Apache
After you create or edit an Apache include userdata file, you must rebuild the httpd.conf file and restart Apache for the changes to take effect.
To rebuild the httpd.conf file, run:
To restart Apache, run: