Install Apache, PHP & MySQL (CentOS)
Posted by Will Kruss on 31 May 2016 03:56 PM

If you have chosen a CentOS distribution of Linux, you can easily install Apache, PHP and MySQL through SSH.

If you have chosen a CentOS distribution of Linux (not cPanel as it automatically installs everything), you can easily install Apache, PHP and MySQL through SSH.

First login to your server through your SSH client (we recommend Putty)

Type the following:

yum install -y httpd mysql php php-mysql

This will install Apache, MySQL and PHP with MySQL support.

You can administer your installation of Apache through WebMin (access at http://youripaddress:10000/)

You will need to modify your MIME TYPES to support PHP. This is easily done through WebMin as is setting up virtual hosts. We recommend looking at this article:


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