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Errors with EasyApache in cPanel

Written by: on 26 May 2016 10:50 PM 26 May 2016 10:50 PM

Learn about all errors with EasyApache in cPanel to solve issues. A selfhelp guide to learn & apply.

If you are recompiling Apache/PHP using EasyApache in WHM and getting an error such as the following:

make: *** [ext/date/lib/parse_date.lo] Error 1
!! 'make' failed with exit code '512' !!
!! Restoring original working apache !!

This is usually a result of having only 512MB of RAM. Compiling Apache/PHP with lots of options can easily exceed the available RAM. To fix this you need to do the following:

SSH into the VPS then type:

  • service httpd stop
  • service mysqld stop
  • service exim stop
  • service courier-imap stop
  • /scripts/easyapache

This will then enable you to compile Apache with some extra memory available by stopping various services.

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