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Plesk domains statistics access

Written by: on 30 May 2016 08:28 PM 30 May 2016 08:28 PM

Plesk requires you to create a user to view statistics. Please follow VPSBlocks instructions to learn fast.

Plesk requires you to create a user to view statistics, please follow these instructions:

a. Log into your Plesk hosting control panel

b. Select the desired domain from the "Subscription" drop down box at the top right corner (only if you have multiple domains).

c. Click on the "Websites & Domains" tab.

d. Click on the "Show Advanced Operations" link.

e. Click on the "Password-protected Directories" icon.

f. Click on the "/plesk-stat" directory.

g. Click on your own username "npxxxxx".

h. Enter your new password for your web statistics report and click "OK".



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