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CBL Listing with No SPAM in the Queue

Written by: on 27 May 2016 09:31 PM 27 May 2016 09:31 PM

Listed on the CBL blacklist but there is no SPAM queued in your mail? To get rid learn to set the Exim configuration today.

If you find yourself listed on the CBL blacklist ( but you have checked your mail queue and there is no SPAM queued, or logged in your mail delivery reports, then most likely you are being blocked due to a rather archaic CBL rule which says:

You have been found to be using several different EHLO/HELO names during multiple connections on or about: xxx time/date

This means that they have detected when Exim is connecting to external SMTP servers for mail delivery, it's reporting itself in the HELO greeting as a different server each time.

To get around this you need to set the Exim configuration so that it uses a single HELO greeting:

Login to WHM

Go to Service Configuration -> Exim Configuration Manager

In the Basic Editor tab scroll down to the 'Domains and IPs' section

Turn off: Send mail from account's dedicated IP address

Turn on: Reference /etc/mailhelo for outgoing SMTP HELO

You now need to edit the /etc/mailhelo file on the server

SSH into the server

First backup your existing mailhelo file:

mv /etc/mailhelo /etc/mailhelobackup

touch /etc/mailhelo

chown root:mail /etc/mailhelo

pico /etc/mailhelo

Enter into the mailhelo file:

*: hostname

where hostname is equal to the hostname of your server that resolves e.g.

Save: CTRL O

Quit: CTRL X

service exim restart


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