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Unable to set GID with mod_ITK

Written by: on 28 July 2021 03:56 PM 28 July 2021 03:56 PM

Email not sending using DSO with MPM_Prefork:

/var/log/exim_mainlog shows:
unable to set gid=32009 or uid=32008 (euid=0): system filter
unable to set gid= or uid=0 (euid=0): forcing real = effective

The reason is the UID/GID perfork can use is quite limited, and for some reason it wants to use very high IDs.

Our Fix:
Edit the file:

Set the option:

LimitUIDRange 0 50000

cPanel Fix:
Edit the file:

Set the option:

<IfModule mpm_itk.c>
LimitUIDRange 0 4294496296
LimitGIDRange 0 4294496296
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