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Enable Upgrade Now button in plesk

Written by: on 24 February 2025 11:34 AM 24 February 2025 11:34 AM

As of Plesk OBsidian 18.0.60 there is a new upgrade tool available to upgrade MariaDB and MySQL from within the Plesk User Interface. It check the current configuration, does a DB Backup, configures MariaDB Package Repositories, performs the upgrade, then completes the post upgrade tasks.

By default, this is not activated on all Plesk servers but it is gradually being rolled out. If you do not see an "Upgrade Now" button as widely documented on the internet, you can manually enable this function by adding the following lines to the panel.ini file:

features.canBeUpgraded = 1
  1. Login to Plesk UI as admin.
  2. Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers page
  3. Click "Upgrade now" button.

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